About Nelma

About Nelma

Hi, I’m Nelma – stay at home mom of two and former chef.

I show moms who struggle at meal times how to cook healthy meals quickly that their family, and even the pickiest eaters, love. Learn to express yourself through cooking, help your family create healthy eating habits and enjoy stress-free meal times.

I studied culinary management & nutrition for 10 years and have trained more than 40 people one-on-one how and what to cook… Now, I’m going to help you 🙂

But wait… why am I doing this?

Something that I’ve seen over and over again with my mom friends is that cooking for their family is hard. Feeding babies can be confusing with all the guidelines, and toddlers can be so picky that you almost give up on cooking altogether! Some moms take the meal time chaos in stride, able to entertain 6 or more guests on top of everything. But to the average mom, cooking for a family is exhausting, not to mention the clean up. 

At first I just wanted to help my friends, but now my mission is bigger than that. I want moms to feel confident cooking for family and friends and to create meal time culture that brings the family together. 

There’s no right or wrong way to cook – with my help, moms can learn how to express themselves through the food they serve. 


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